We encourage institutions, organisations and individuals holding unique documentary heritage collections to register their collections with the IFLA Risk Register. IFLA encourages submissions to the Risk Register from all countries/regions. 

Risk Register nomination form:

NOTE: The Risk Register is currently undergoing maintenance/upgrade. During this time, the Risk Register will be unavailable to process new heritage collection submissions.

Once your collection is submitted to the Risk Register, an independent committee will asses its authenticity and approve it to be added to the Risk Register. The committee will assess collections on demand (normally 2-3 times a year) and we will be in touch after the evaluation.

Some the institutions (published here with the permission of the institutionwhich have listed their collections with us are:

  • Faculty Library of Arts & Philosophy Ghent University, Belgium
  • Fundação Biblioteca Nacional, Brazil
  • National Library of Korea, Korea
  • Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK) Library, Lebanon
  • Slovak National Library, Slovakia
  • Indiana University South Bend, USA
  • Library of Michigan, USA
  • Cleveland Public Library, USA
  • Deutsche National Bibliothek, Germany
  • National and University Library in Zagreb, Croatia
Main Reading Room, State Library of NSW, Sydney
Main Reading Room, State Library of NSW, Sydney

We would like to ask you to contact us if changes/updates need to be made to the collection you submitted.

With your institution’s data accessible to Blue Shield partners and UNESCO in one central database, crucial assistance needed to rescue documentary heritage collections can be administrated with greater speed and efficiency. This enables IFLA and its partner organisations to respond more quickly and effectively in times of need.


The data submitted to the Risk Register is only accessible by IFLA Headquarters. In case of need, IFLA will extract the relevant data and provide this to UNESCO and the Blue Shield. Data will not be shared otherwise and is kept secure and confidential.


Have a question?  Contact our Policy and Research Officer, Claire McGuire: [email protected].