COVID 19 and its resurgence through the second wave has enthused academic libraries to expand or reimage services. The acceleration of innovation, expansion and reimagination of services demonstrates the agility of the library to meet the evolving demands of the user communities. This may be the right time to introduce new or expand existing services.

Evidence synthesis and systematic reviews which has been a mainstay in the medical and health sciences discipline are being expanded to support other disciplines. In a time when the collection of empirical data is a challenge due to social distancing and other COVID protocols, faculty and students may find scoping reviews, rapid reviews and systematic reviews as effective means to support the continuity of research. Cornell University staff will be sharing how the service is provided.

The move towards remote teaching has increased demand for transcription services for the campus. At the University of Texas Libraries at Austin this transcription service is expanded, with the aid of technology, to meet the demand for recorded lectures.

At the University of Cape Town, the library is providing a service referred to as Research landscape analysis. The service critically interrogates the world’s published legacy and current research output for the identification of niche research clusters, gaps or voids in research areas and/or topics for further research.

This 1.5-hour webinar is aimed at sharing these services to expand the ripple in anticipation that these services can be amended and adopted and, made fit for purpose for respective institutions. The agility of academic libraries must become global with sharing of experiences becoming the norm.


  • Kate Ghezzi-Kopel, Cornell University
  • Glynnis Johnson and Tamzyn Suliaman, University of Cape Town
  • Daniel Jacobs, University of Texas at Austin

Facilitators: Reggie Raju, Xin Li, Lorraine Haricombe

This 90-minute webinar is free and open to the public. Please share this invitation openly.

Join the webinar on 12 November 2020 at 15:30 SAST/CEST – 08:30 EDT

Check your timezone and save the date!

Series organisers

Chair of ARL: Gulcin Cribb: [email protected]

Recording now available