We are soliciting articles and proposals for our planned IFLA TILT (Trends and Issues in Library Technologies for 2022 and 2023) on all areas of library technologies from completed library IT projects to R&D to upcoming trends and future visioning related to library technologies.  For articles, there is room for briefs or longer/more in-depth articles overview highlighting research, implementation processes and future directions.

The TILT newsletter is soliciting approximately 1000 – 3000 word articles overviewing research and projects for our IT section readership and IFLA audience with suitable accompanying graphics, links and resources.   Articles do not need to possess an overly formal academic format but one in which IFLA IT section audience could pragmatically benefit from with conclusions and suggestions for implementation.  Proposal and abstracts of 200-300 words may be sent for preliminary review and acceptance.

Tentative deadlines for submitting a proposal, abstract or article are January 15, 2022 with final articles article with suitable links and graphics due by March 15th, 2022.  Authors will be notified by February 1st, 2022 Tentative publication dates are for a Trends and Issues in Library Technologies June 2022 newsletter.  Color graphics, tables and diagrams are highly encouraged.  For submissions, graphics may be in .jpg, gif or TIFF formats preferably with a minimum size of 1MB or 1080×1080 px or larger.  An example of a recent newsletter is available here to give you a general idea of general formats we have been using.   

Please respond to this invitation with a proposal and/or draft by January 15th, 2022 for full consideration.  Final deadlines for all articles will be March 22, 2022.  Other ideas for content may also be proposed using the above the dates.

Please send correspondence or questions to:

Ray Uzwyshyn, Ph.D. MBA MLIS, [email protected]
Editor, Trends and Issues in Library Technologies (TILT)
IFLA Information Technology Standing Committee