Libraries are vital pieces of the cultural infrastructure, enabling the discovery, creation, and enjoyment of diverse expressions of culture to be a part of everyday life.

There are many ways that libraries contribute to upholding cultural rights, but are they being recognised and their potential realised in wider cultural policy discussions? When envisioning a holistic cultural policy that helps build inclusive and resilient societies, libraries must be counted in.

ResiliArt x Mondiacult

In September 2022, UNESCO will convene the World Conference on Cultural Policies and Sustainable Development –  Mondiacult 2022, hosted in Mexico City. Mondiacult 2022 seeks to spark an exchange of innovative practice, a reimagining of new policy designs, and a renewal of international cooperation in support of culture’s role in meeting global challenges, guided by the 2030 Agenda.  ResiliArt x Mondiacult was initiated by UNESCO as an inclusive platform through which to gather context for high-level deliberations leading up to Mondiacult 2022 and to inform its outcomes.

Bringing a Library Perspective

One way that IFLA will help bring the voices of the library and information profession to these discussions is through the upcoming virtual event: ResiliArt x Mondiacult – Libraries enabling inclusive and meaningful access to culture

When: February 23, 2022, 15:00-17:00 CET

About the event: This virtual event will ask library and information experts to share their experience and perspectives on several vectors of inclusive and meaningful access to culture. Crucially, their discussion will shed light on priorities for libraries and gaps in cultural policy that can be addressed to further enable libraries to uphold cultural rights.

You are invited to take part! Register here: Webinar Registration: ResiliArt x Mondiacult

For more information: [email protected]