Title Indonesian National Bibliography
Web site address https://bni.perpusnas.go.id/
Start date Began 2018
Period covered 2020 to date
Current size Up to 5 Oct 2021 (150.855 records)
Media covered Monographs, electronic publications, periodicals, cartographic, audio/video recordings, manuscripts, micro, braille and government publications (central and regional)
General selection criteria The Indonesian National Bibliography contains publication data resulting from the implementation of Act No. 13/2018 concerning the handover of printed works and records and data of the regional bibliography.* works in various media published in Germany
* works in various media published abroad in German
* translations into other languages of German works published abroad
* “Germanica” – i.e. works in various media about Germany published abroad in other languages
* printed works written or published between 1933 and 1945 by German-speaking emigrants
Selection criteria for digital resources Text (pdf), audio (MP3, Avi), cartographic (Jpeg, Tiff, GeoPdf), video (MP4).
Exclusions policies applied Comics, posters, popular magazines, and other ephemeral which have little informational or historical value
Primary organisation responsible for national bibliographic control National Library of Indonesia
Web site address of national bibliographic agency https://bni.perpusnas.go.id/
Co-operative structures or  relationships supporting the production of the national bibliography Relationships with ISBN/ISMN/ISSN agencies, Co-operation with local publisher and government publications
Single integrated or multiple categorised bibliographies Single national bibliography cover all publications
Sources of bibliographic metadata used to produce national bibliography All material included in Indonesian National Bibliography database received under national legal deposit arrangement (Act No. 13/2018 concerning the handover of printed works and records)
Relationship to national legal deposit legislation or voluntary deposit arrangements The material is collected at the national library under legal deposit law.
Relationship to national Cataloguing in Publication (CIP) programme CIP records not included in national bibliographic services
Form of publication used for the national bibliography PDF format and MARC exchange files for catalogue
Access options to national bibliographic metadata https://bni.perpusnas.go.id/
Online access options Web catalogue and web page
Formats & media available for delivery of record sets from the national bibliography  Available in PDF format
Metadata enhancements offered via online services Links to copy cataloguing
Web 2.0 services offered None
Frequency of service updates  Quarterly
Target audiences for services Researcher, academic/public libraries and members of the public
Uses made of  services offered Acquisition/selection, derived cataloguing, copy cataloguing
Pricing policy for national bibliographic services Indonesian National Bibliography operates for free basis
Under what conditions may the metadata be re-used for other products? All national bibliographic metadata released into the public domain without restriction
Metadata formats IndoMARC, MARC21, Dublin Core, MODs
Cataloguing code RDA, ISBD
Levels of description offered ISBD, Core
Subject standards DDC, LCSH, Local Subject Headings
Classification DDC 23
Subject heading scheme or thesaurus LCSH, Local Subject Headings
Name authority standards or Name authority file Indonesian Authority Standards
Is NBA affiliated to IFLA SC? No
Date information submitted
Information supplied by Suharyanto, email mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected]