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Every year, the UNESCO Global Media & Information Literacy (MIL) Week (24-31 October) helps raise awareness of the need for an international effort towards helping all people become informed consumers and creators of information and media.

In 2022, Global MIL Week, hosted by Nigeria, will focus is on MIL’s role in nurturing trust, advancing social protection, and encouraging collective solidarity, to be explored through the theme, “Nurturing trust: A Media and Information Literacy Imperative”.

IFLA on the Agenda

The 2022 UNESCO Global MIL Week Feature Conference will take place both in person and online and bring together select government representatives, experts, and practitioners to discuss the role of MIL competencies in advancing the public good.

IFLA will join several panels to explore the role of libraries and civil society organisations in nurturing trust through MIL:

Special Session – Global conversations – Media and Information Literacy, libraries and trust
  • Stephen Wyber, IFLA Policy and Advocacy Director, will moderate this special session that explores how libraries help nurture trust through MIL
Special Session – Global conversations with government and civil society on promoting Media and Information Literacy in schools to nurture the future of trust in an ailing world
  • Claire McGuire, IFLA Policy and Research Officer, will take part as a panelist to speak to how school and public libraries help build MIL for all members of the school community, highlighting the IFLA-UNESCO Public and School Library Manifestos.

These sessions will both take place on Wednesday 26 October from 10.00 a.m. to 11.15 a.m. (Paris time). 

The Fourth Global MIL Youth Hackathon
  • Damilare Oyedele, member of IFLA’s Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Division Committee and Co-Founder & Chief Executive of Library Aid Africa will participate as a judge in the Fourth Global Media and Information Literacy Youth Hackathon. He will help assess innovative ideas for nurturing MIL skills, put forward by over 70  young leaders from around the world.

See the full programme hereGlobal MIL Week 2022 Feature Conference Agenda

Register and join the virtual conference platform here: Global MIL Week 2022 Feature Conference

Get Involved

Libraries around the world are invited to get involved in the Global MIL Week celebrations. You can do this by registering for virtual participation in the Global MIL Week Feature Conference and by organising an in-person or virtual side event in your library.

If you will carry out an activity for Global MIL Week 2022, don’t forget to register it on UNESCO’s dedicated website. Read more on how to get involved below.

For a more in-depth overview: Get Involved in Global MIL Week 2022.

GET INTO... Global MIL Week Global Media & Information Literacy Week 2022

The goal of Global Media & Information Literacy (MIL) Week is to raise awareness of the need for an international effort towards helping citizens become informed consumers and creators of information and media. This guide can help libraries think about how they can take part in discussing and celebr...

Questions/Comments: Claire McGuire – [email protected]