The IFLA Statistics & Evaluation Committee (S&E) is happy to announce its upcoming series,  Focus on Impact.  The Focus on Impact series provides attendees with five sessions, each offering a different perspective on demonstrating library impact. Each session features a different format for participant engagement. Attendance is free, and we hope you will join us as we explore impact case studies, key performance indicators, data storytelling, building a community of practice, how S&E can serve its members, and findings from a global survey on library experience.

The assessment of library impact can take many different forms.  Three panelists with very different experiences will share their perspectives and experiences in this presentation. Grand Mutando will discuss the African Capacity Building Foundation’s (ACBF) role in enhancing the community of practice and capacity development in Africa. Sherine Eid will demonstrate how ISO 16439 acts as a guide for assessing library impact. Dr. Leo Appleton will discuss library assessment methodologies and practices.

Date & Time:

June 5th 11:30am – 1:00pm (BST/GMT+1), use World Time Buddy to find out what time this is in your zone.


  • Grand Mutondo, Information Management Associate (The African Capacity Building Foundation)

Grand Mutondo is an Information Management Associate at the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF), where he plays a pivotal role in managing and disseminating information within the Knowledge and Learning Unit of the Programs and Impact Department. Grand holds a Master of Commerce in Information Systems, a Bachelor of Science in Library and Information Science, and a Bachelor of Social Science Special Honours Degree in Monitoring and Evaluation. His expertise lies in harnessing information systems to enhance organizational effectiveness and facilitate knowledge sharing. Grand’s contributions to the ACBF are instrumental in supporting capacity-building initiatives across Africa. He can be reached at [email protected] for inquiries or collaborations.

  • Sherine Eid, Acting Head Quality Improvement Unit (Bibliotheca Alexandrina)

Sherine is Acting Head of Quality Improvement Unit at the Library Sector at Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) in Egypt. She is a member of IFLA Statistics and Evaluation Standing Committee,  LD4 Steering Group, and OAEBUDT Membership and Sustainability Committee. Sherine is a reviewer for international journals and conferences and has contributed many publications, published by IFLA, Bibliotheca Alexandrina and Taylor and Francis. She has also presented workshops sponsored by Université de Lille, ALA and IFLA and presented posters at Open Repositories Conference and Sharjah International Book Fair/ALA Library Conference. She holds a MBA degree in Global Marketing from Paris ESLSCA Business School and a certificate of the Centre National d’Enseignement à Distance

  • Dr. Leo Appleton, Senior University Teacher, University of Sheffield

Dr. Leo Appleton is the author of the book, Libraries and Key Performance Indicators: A Framework for Practitioners. After completing a degree in Information and Library Management (Northumbria), Dr. Appleton commenced a career in librarianship and held management and leadership positions in several university libraries, as well as in Further Education colleges and NHS Hospital trusts. Since 2008 he has worked in senior library management posts at Liverpool John Moores University, University of the Arts, London and most recently was the Director of Library Services at Goldsmiths, University of London. He joined the Information School as a Senior University Teacher in June 2020. Dr. Appleton holds an MA in Music (Liverpool)  and MA in Education (Edge Hill). In 2020 he was awarded a PhD in Library and Information Science from Edinburgh Napier University. Dr. Appleton is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP).


  • Christine Brown (Head Faculty Engagement, University of Alberta)
  • Justine Wheeler (Assessment Librarian, University of Calgary)