By: Namutenya H & Kepi M                                                 The Sub-Saharan Africa Library Sector, with support from the International Federation of Libraries and Associations (IFLA), was part of the July 2024 UN High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) themed “Reinforcing the 2030 Agenda and Eradicating Poverty in Times of Multiple Crisis. Kenya, Namibia, South Africa, and Uganda submitted and presented their 2024 Voluntary National Review (VNR) reports in regards to harmonizing library services with governmental priorities and the UN SDGs at large. For Details, Click Here

By: Kwame Kodua-Ntim                                                           At Nkrumah University Zambia, a revolution of the unsung heroes brewed among institutions’ librarians. Guiding students through the maze of information, navigating complex research projects and information discovery to witness students’ success are among the few mentioned roles of librarians. Among these dedicated professional revolutionists was Nana Birago and Prof. Thompson who have stood at the fore front of the above campaign. For Details, Click Here

By: Faustina Barfi                                                                     The 4th Consortium of Academic Libraries and Research Libraries (CARLIGH) Conference is a biennial international conference for librarians of academic and research institutions, which aims to bring together information professionals. This year’s conference hosted over one hundred and fifty participants from 6th-10th May 2024 guiding participants to explore the fascinating world of artificial intelligence and its transformative impacts in the field of libraries and related professions. For Details, Click Here