The Scientific Council on Reading of the Department of Education and Culture of the Russian Academy of Education, Research Center for the History of Book Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences, K.D. Ushinsky State Scientific Pedagogical Library, Russian State Children’s Library, Russian Library Association, Russian Reading Association invites you to participate in the International Inter-Academy Conference «Reading on spaces of childhood in Russia and in the world», to be held on November 14-15, 2013, in Moscow, and discuss the following problems:                       

  1. Childhood as a theoretical problem
  2. Reading to children: Russian and global traditions
  3. Children’s reading in the Russian Diaspora: a special role
  4. Reading as a means of initiation into secular society
  5. Reading in the space of modern child: in Russia and abroad.

Please send your theses and reports by e-mail strictly until 15 September 2013.

E-mail address: [email protected] (with marks «For the conference»).

Tel: 8 905 706 07 42, Melentieva Julia Petrovna.

Volume: for abstracts – not more than 3 pages, for reports – to 1 academic sheet.

The texts are adopted in electronic form in the format MS Word, Times New Roman font, size 14, double-spaced with margins of 2.5 cm on the right, 1.5 cm on the left, 2 cm from the bottom. Names of theses must type in capital letters, the author’s name – lower case. Footnotes are placed at the end of the page and are numbered.

In the file with the abstract (next), please include information about the author: Name (in full), academic degree and rank, and position, address, and telephone number, e-mail address.

The organizing committee reserves its own right to select the abstracts for the conference and for publication.

The conference will be held:

November 14 (opening of the conference, the first panel) – Russian State Children’s Library (Moscow, Oktyabrskaya Square, 1, metro «Oktyabrjskaya»), at 11 a.m.;

November 15 (the second panel, closing of the conference) – K.D. Ushinsky State Scientific Pedagogical Library. (Moscow, Bolshoj Tolmachevskij Lane, 3, metro «Tretyakovskaya»), at 11a.m.

Please send your materials of the conference strictly up to September 15, 2013, as the Conference Proceedings will be published before its beginning.