Section on Education and Training Call for Papers (Canceled due to coronavirus)

Theme: “Putting Emerging LIS Competencies into Education and Practice: Challenges and Opportunities”


Core competencies in LIS have been identified by many organizations throughout the world and are often developed by professional bodies such as the American Library Association (ALA) in the United States and Canada, the Chartered Institute for Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) in the United Kingdom, the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA), among others.  While these competencies have focused on the core practices of library and information education and practice, there are new and emerging competencies that present both opportunities and challenges for LIS educators and practitioners. These emerging competencies are evolving from rapid social and technological change that require new ways of addressing societal changes and human needs. For example, LIS educators and practitioners are increasingly engaged in supporting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and economic growth, accelerating inclusion and social mobility through research, and equipping communities with new literacies and lifelong learning.

New and emerging competencies may focus on a broad topic (e.g., assessment and decision-making), may be specific to a particular type of information work (e.g.,risk management, trend analysis), or may focus more on a set of skills (e.g., soft skills such as communication skills, teamwork). In what ways are these competencies being implemented into LIS education and practice?  What innovations are resulting from these new competencies? What new technologies have been implemented into libraries, either to satisfy readers’ different needs or to preserve cultural heritage collections?  What kind of training and workshops have been made available for staff to be able to use these new technologies?

The Open session of the Education and Training Section will focus on projects and programs with innovative LIS competencies in education and practice; what it took to get there, what challenges they faced, what new opportunities it presented for educators, librarians and patrons, as well as their communities, equip communities with new literacies, where people were trying to help communities with certain needs, overcoming some of the challenges facing a communities. The implementation of these competencies will help to inform future curricular decisions, recommendations and best practices.

Submission Guidelines

Submissions are encouraged that address issues such as:

  • What emerging technologies are being used for new ways of instruction?
  • How educators implement new competencies into their teaching?
  • How practitioners embed new competencies into their practice?

There will be multiple presentations and a discussion at the end of the session.  Speakers will be asked to prepare a list of questions to lead a roundtable discussion. Each table will report on their discussion to close the session.

Proposals (in MS Word) must include:

  • Name, title, institution, e-mail of speaker(s);
  • Brief biographical statement about each speaker (maximum 100 words);
  • Title of proposed presentation;
  • Abstract of paper highlighting its relevance to the theme (maximum 500 words).

Proposals should be sent by 15 April 2020 to:

Kendra Albright
Email: [email protected]


Albina Krymskaya
E-mail: [email protected]

Important Dates & Deadlines (Canceled due to coronavirus)

15 April 2020: Deadline for submission for abstract of no more than 400 words and will also include the author(s)’ names, institutional affiliations, and email address(es).

1 June 2020: Notification to authors of status of submission.

20 July 2020: Submission of accompanying PowerPoint slides for presentation.

Please note:

At least one of the paper’s authors must be present to deliver a summary of the paper during the program in Dublin. Abstracts should only be submitted with the understanding that the expenses of attending the conference will be the responsibility of the author(s)/presenter(s) of accepted papers.

The paper must be an original submission not presented or published elsewhere. All papers that are presented at the WLIC 2020 will be made available online via the IFLA Library under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.

Authors of accepted papers must complete the IFLA Authors’ Permission Form.

All expenses, including registration for the conference, travel, accommodation etc., are the responsibility of the authors/presenters. No financial support can be provided by IFLA, but a special invitation letter can be issued to author(s)/presenter(s) of accepted papers.

Congress Participation Grants

List of opportunities for support is available on the Apply for Grants & Awards webpage.