Dear colleagues:

We are planning our 2016 #newlibgc webinars and we need your help to identify new topics!

For the fifth consecutive year, IFLA Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning and IFLA New Professionals Special Interest Group are partnering with the American Library Association to present a series of free quarterly webinars on issues of interest to new librarians, library associations and library schools, library-decision makers, and all library workers.

The webinars are a great opportunity for membership participation via new worldwide online programming. Don’t miss this great opportunity to be connected!


To make sure we include topics of interest to you, please leave your suggestions by November 1st:

  • Which topics would you like to see included on the 2015 IFLA/ALA free webinars?
  • Do you know an expert for the topic?
  • Are you willing to present yourself?

You can have your say in many ways: by answering our online poll, commenting in our blog, tweeting #newlibgc, and/or emailing us: [email protected].

Our committee really appreciates your suggestions! We shall announce the topics and speakers for the next webinar by mid-December.

Thank you!

Loida Garcia-Febo, Series Coordinator