Dear all,

This year’s traditional IFLA Academic & Research Libraries (ARL) Section  “Hot topic session” will take place virtually on 15  August on the following theme:

Future Literacies: Libraries Leading Literacy Development in an Age of Global Transitions”


The powerful impact of the COVID-19 pandemic elevated the transformational role of academic and research librarians as leaders who embrace challenges and turn them into opportunities to enhance the user experience. Since the pandemic, libraries have seen significant growth in digital scholarship, and increased global attention on open science, open publication, and open data. The pandemic also raised the visibility of issues relating to social justice, antiracism, diversity, equity and inclusion. Most recently, the integration of generative AI, large language models, and machine learning have notably impacted library workers to rapidly integrate new tools and literacies into their inclusive services, collections and spaces. And faculty and researchers increasingly rely on librarians for systematic reviews.

All of these rapid advancements provide a unique platform for libraries to lead and become dynamic partners with our user communities in championing new literacy development in a number of areas including AI, Open Science, Multicultural Competencies, Digital Scholarship, Systematic Reviews and Social Justice, among others.

The IFLA-ARL seeks brief proposals on the idea of developing, defining, and sharing their work with new literacies. We are especially interested in papers that address leadership, advocacy, and collaboration in work with new literacies. We anticipate choosing four 10-minute panel presentations for the IFLA-ARL signature annual Hot Topics program. The program this year will be delivered live via a webinar on Thursday, August 15, 2024.

Please submit up to a 250-word proposal by Monday, May 13, 2024.

Send your proposal to [email protected] with subject heading: 2024 Hot Topics Abstract.

Members of the Hot Topics Planning Committee are (all members of IFLA ARL Standing Committee):

  • Karen Downing
  • Dr. Adefunke Ebijuwa
  • Adriana Cybele Ferrari
  • Joanna Hare
  • Sarah Kaddu
  • Shaharima Parvin
  • Lorraine Haricombe (chair)


Jérôme FRONTY, IFLA ARL Information coordinator