Internships, Practicums, or Field Experiences

The IFLA Division IV – Support of the Profession and SET  – are hosting a series of webinars for LIS students. These webinars aim to create a place for students to share their projects, research, and ideas about different topics related to libraries. All webinars are held online and are open to everyone (no registration fees).

Our third webinar is in June and the theme is: “LIS Degree Requirement: Internships, Practicums, or Field Experiences” Many library programs require their students to gain practical experience by taking a practicum course, finishing an internship, or completing other end-of-program requirements. We are interested in hearing about your school, its requirements for graduating, and your experience.

The Call for Papers closes on 9 June 2021.

The proposal may speak to:

  • Field experience requirements at your school
  • Benefits of these requirements
  • Challenges faced for fulfilling the requirements
  • How they are managed
  • The experience for you as a student
  • Whether they prepared you for a future position

Library and Information Science students at all levels are encouraged to submit a proposal about the topic. Proposals (in MS Word) must include:

  • Name, title, institution, email of speaker(s);
  • Brief biographical statement about each speaker (maximum 100 words);
  • Title of proposed presentation;
  • Abstract highlighting its relevance to the theme (maximum 400 words)

Submit your proposals to Albina Krymskaya ([email protected]) and Paria Tajallipour ([email protected]) Accepted participants will receive a certificate from IFLA Division IV for presenting at the webinar.

Presentations will be delivered online in PowerPoint format by the presenters. Each presentation will last for 20 minutes, including 5-10 minutes for questions and answers.

Important dates

  • Deadline for submission is 9 June 2021
  • Three proposals will be accepted for presentation and the accepted participants will be notified by 16 June 2021
  • This month’s webinar is held on 23 June 2021 (Time will be confirmed depending on the time zones of the speakers)

For further questions, contact: Albina Krymskaya ([email protected]) or Paria Tajallipour ([email protected])