We are IFLA

Engagement by the global library field has been key to the development of the IFLA Strategy 2019-2024.  Continued and expanded contributions from the global library field will be key to its success.

IFLA bridges cultural differences across the library community and wider environment in which libraries operate in part through its commitment to multilingualism.  In this spirt, after its successful launch this past August in Athens, the IFLA Strategy 2019-2024 is now available in all seven official languages of IFLA: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Russian and Spanish.

The Strategy gives new direction to the work of IFLA’s Professional Units and Headquarters. It also provides a reference point for anyone who cares about libraries and the people they serve to reflect on their own actions and look for possibilities for alignment.

Everyone has a role in building our future, no matter the location or language. The Strategy is not only a document to be read, but to be used.  Its success will be our success, but it depends on each of us to play our part.

Share your actions, build your connections, and spread the word!

During October 2019 we will launch a dedicated platform for submitting your actions.

We need you to reflect on what actions you’re already taking or plan on taking that contribute to the goals of the Strategy, both individually and collectively. What can you do to share its message—and to inspire and engage others—just as you have been inspired and engaged?

Together, we can build a strong and united library field, powering literate, informed and participatory societies.

If you would like to translate the Strategy into another language, please contact [email protected] and we will provide you with a template.  We will add your translation to our website so that more people can develop actions to strengthen our field and achieve our vision.

Stay tuned for the actions platform launch in October!


Gerald Leitner
IFLA Secretary General