
4412 items

Your ideas matter! Contribute to the Ideas Store before 31 October

26 September 2018

    IFLA is building a new and forward-looking strategy from the bottom up, one that will shape its key actions. By contributing to the Ideas Store, you have the opportunity to help define the future direction of IFLA. As library and information professionals, it’s therefore your strategy. And, crucially, it depends on your participation.

    Working Together for Legislative Change: IFLA Engages at Global Congress on Intellectual Property and the Public Interest

    24 September 2018

      IFLA will be present at this years’ Congress on Intellectual Property and the Public Interest, held in Washington D.C. from 24 to 30 September. It is one of the leading forums for advancing evidence-based, public-interest intellectual property policies, and so an important place for promoting the work and interests of libraries.

      Provide Access, Protect Rights, Promote Development – IFLA at WIPO General Assembly 2018

      24 September 2018

        The annual general assembly of the World Intellectual Property Organisation – WIPO – offers a chance to take a strategic look at the Organisation’s work across the board. For IFLA, it is an opportunity to highlight the priorities of libraries, and make the connection with the broader objectives of WIPO, and the UN system as a whole.

        Celebrating Books, Celebrating Access: Kuala Lumpur Announced as World Book Capital 2020

        20 September 2018

          UNESCO has announced that Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, will be World Book Capital 2020. Taking up the status on 23 April 2020, it will, for a year, be the focus of efforts and activities to promote books and reading for all. Following a successful World Library and Information Congress, it will be a further opportunity for Malaysia’s libraries to show their ability to reach out to the hard to reach.

          Better Laws, Better Practices: IFLA Active for Libraries on Copyright

          10 September 2018

            Following the launch of a guide to implementation of the Marrakesh Treaty and a statement on copyright literacy at the World Library and Information Congress, IFLA has continued to make the case for copyright that works for libraries. In the last two weeks, the focus has been on the operation of collective rights management and the EU’s copyright reforms.