
4407 items

Out now: 2010 IFLA Annual Report

6 September 2011

    A major focus for IFLA in 2010 was the integration of our many activities into longer term 2010–2015 strategic planning.

    Honours and Awards given at IFLA 2011

    5 September 2011

      During the Closing Session on 18 August, IFLA President Ellen Tise and IFLA Professional Committee Chair Patrice Landry conferred a number of important honours & awards.

      IFLA 2011 Congress News and Media

      2 September 2011

        A great deal of news and media was created during the World Library and Information sure to check the 2011 IFLA Express website to catch up on what took place!

        IFLA Presidential Newsletter No. 7 July 2011

        6 July 2011

          It is that time of year again when we are in full swing for the next IFLA World Library and Information Congress, the 77th General Conference and Assembly in Puerto Rico, San Juan. As we are all taking care of the last and final preparations - preparing for traveling, making the final changes to our presentations and planning our schedules for another inspiring professional international networking week—I would like to share with you some exciting highlights from the second quarter of 2011.