
4414 items

Open a window to the world: Qatar Digital Libraries

22 November 2022

    Art libraries and art librarians have long endeavored to preserve, protect, and make accessible the treasures and expressions of humanity that have been collected in our respective institutions. The IFLA Art Libraries Section recognize and value the history and future of mankind which finds a voice through creative expression. It is an honor to foster connection between heritage objects and the people that we serve.

    Engaging with local government associations: a success story from Spain

    21 November 2022

      For much of the library field, the key target for advocacy efforts is local government. This is where essential decisions around funding and other resources are made. Yet we can also gain from working with local government associations. To find out about one successful example, we interviewed Francesc Xavier González Cuadra (President) and Alicia Sellés Carot (Past-President), FESABID, the Federation of Spanish Archive, Library, Documentation and Museum Associations.