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Equity, Inclusion and Metadata

20 March 2024

    This month, the IFLA Newsletter focuses on diversity, equity, and inclusion. It seems a good moment to explain why six IFLA committees are sponsoring a proposal to create an IFLA network dedicated to the topic of accessibility metadata.

    IFLA’s MCULTP Section: Contributions towards DEI initiatives

    20 March 2024

      The IFLA MCULTP (Library Services to Multicultural Populations) section is one of the few IFLA sections whose mandate is directly aligned with DEI. While Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is experienced and practiced in differently across the globe, many common grounds exist that can provide a foundation and basis for concerted efforts amongst LIS professionals internationally.

      Metropolitan Libraries: A view to inclusion and representation

      20 March 2024

        As the IFLA section that explores the role of libraries within urban areas, the Metropolitan Libraries (METLIB) Section focuses on how libraries can be agents of urban development and catalysts of civic engagement. The world is a collection of disparate faiths, origins, identities, backgrounds, and beliefs. While every country and region may have ones that are culturally dominant, it is in the largest cities that you often encounter the broadest spectrum of humanity.

        Inclusive subject terms are critical for equitable access to library materials

        19 March 2024

          Subject metadata forms a critical access point in bibliographic and other information systems, providing access through search terms and browsing or filtering through subject links. Typically, libraries use standardized knowledge organization systems to provide better access to information resources. However, many of these standardized systems are problematic because they include outdated, harmful, exclusionary, or critical terms may not be present at all in thesauri or vocabularies. Problematic terms can negatively impact library users of all kinds. There is an increasing recognition of the need for more equitable and inclusive language subject metadata. The Subject Analysis and Access Section (SAA) has taken up several initiatives related to diversity, equity, and inclusion regarding subject access.

          LGBTQ+ Users Special Interest Group resource repository

          15 March 2024

            The LGBTQ Users group is aimed at professionals in libraries and documentation centers to strengthen their skills in addressing LGBTQ+ users information needs. It thus creates tools to enhance professional practice and inspire the community. Among them, a repository has been set up to help librarians build LGBTQ+ collections by easily locate places where to find reliable resources. The document is a work in progress and is intended to be participatory. We hope for collective goodwill to identify relevant resources: professional blogs, bookstores, specialized social media libraries, working groups in professional associations in as many languages as possible... Also, if you are aware of a rich and interesting resource , do not hesitate to send it to us so that we can enrich this directory!

            Literacy and Reading: For a more inclusive society

            15 March 2024

              The Literacy and Reading section has been focusing on the transformative nature of reading and literacy.  The committee has focused on sharing examples of programming that centered on promoting hope, resiliency and well-being from around the globe, including presentations focused on integrating music into reading programs, library in a box outreach services to the elderly and homebound and promoting affirmational mindfulness with passive and active programming in the library.

              Libraries at the European Digital and Media Literacy Week

              15 March 2024

                From February 27th to March 1st, the European Digital and Media Literacy Week took place in Brussels. Representatives from educational and media organizations across various countries participated in the international conference, offering insights into ongoing and forthcoming initiatives aimed at enhancing population literacy, promoting media education, countering disinformation, and advancing digital literacy.

                Lincoln Corners: Cultural understanding in Pakistan

                14 March 2024

                  Lincoln Corners is a partnership program between the Embassy of the United State of America and Pakistani university libraries, public libraries and cultural centres are part of this program. Currently 19 Lincon Corner centres are providing services throughout Pakistan via consuls general in Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi and Peshawar.

                  Everyone is welcome: New Professionals SIG programs for all

                  14 March 2024

                    Since its formation, the New Professionals SIG (NPSIG) has welcomed all librarians and LIS students passionate about libraries. Our programs and activities are designed to bring new professionals together in a welcoming environment. This summer, we are holding IFLACamp online to allow everyone to attend and enjoy this event with us. This year's theme is Libraries of the Future.

                    Language representation: an example from Switzerland

                    14 March 2024

                      Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) is a strategic focus area of the IFLA Acquisition and Collection Development (ACD) Section, whose standing committee has a diverse membership. One initiative in the ACD work plan this year is to explore the global landscape of DEI in acquisition and collection development, to prepare for the coming changes in this area. We explore a Swiss example of DEI to demonstrate its application to acquisition and collection development practices.