The IFLA Local History and Genealogy Section invites proposals for papers highlighting innovative local history and genealogy projects and activities developed via social media channels.

Whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, or any of the other emerging platforms, social media is the perfect environment to communicate and remember historical events in innovative ways or to add nuance and a personal perspective on important historical moments .

The workshop’s theme : “Something old, something new: using social media to engage communities with local history” is in line with IFLA’s 2022 World Library and Information Congress theme – Inspire, Engage, Enable, Connect.

Event details

This event will be held online on 23 August, 16.00 CET as part two of the Local History and Genealogy Section’s Summer Meeting.

Submission Guidelines

This call is open to all interested librarians, communication and educational professionals, students , social media or history enthusiasts.

Proposals of 15 minutes presentation in English must be submitted in an electronic format before 15 July at [email protected] and must include the following information:

  • Title of proposed presentation
  • Abstract of the proposed paper (no more than 200 words)
  • Name(s) of presenters and positions and or titles
  • Employer or affiliated institution
  • Contact information including email address

For any other information contact Cristina Roiu at the above e-mail address.

Posted by Dr. Takashi Nagatsuka, Secretary, IFLA Local History and Genealogy Section

Email: [email protected]