IFLA’s PAC Centre for digital preservation hosted at the National Library of Poland is holding a series of 10 webinars to walk beginners through the route to basic understanding of digitisation projects.

The sixth webinar in the series will explore technical standards and guidelines and their role for digitisation projects of different scope. The seventh webinar in the series will invite an expert presenter to offer an introduction to digital preservation – a crucial and often misunderstood aspect of digitisation projects. The audience is welcome to ask questions during the webinar in chat.

When: October 13th, 16:00 CEST / 10:00 EST
Join here: https://tinyurl.com/IFLA-PAC-webinar-7 (No registration needed)

Recordings of all webinars in this series can be found online at: https://tinyurl.com/IFLA-PAC-Digital

The Programme

Trevor Owens believes that ensuring long-term access to digital information is not straightforward; it is a complex issue with a significant ethical dimension. Owens will provide attendees with both theoretical considerations and real-life examples and will help in establishing a deliberate and intentional approach to digital preservation.

About the Speakers

Dr. Trevor Owens is a librarian, researcher, policy maker, and educator advancing digital infrastructure and programs for libraries, archives, museums, and related cultural institutions.  At present Owens serves as the Director of Digital Services at the Library of Congress. With nearly 100 employees, Digital Services is responsible for the Library of Congress digital collections, digitization, discovery and metadata management services. This includes internationally recognized web archiving and crowdsourcing programs.

Owens is the author of three books, the most recent of which, The Theory and Craft of Digital Preservation, was published by Johns Hopkins University Press in 2018 and has won outstanding publication awards from both the American Library Association and the Society of American Archivists.

Full bio available at http://www.trevorowens.org/about/

Tomasz Gruszkowski has been with the Digital Collections Department of the National Library of Poland since March 2016, introducing and maintaining digitisation standards at the digital lab, overseeing the public tender for purchase of digitisation equipment. Director of IFLA Preservation and Conservation Centre for digital preservation at the National Library. He has delivered lectures and speeches on digitisation, standards, cultural heritage, digital preservation at conferences and congresses.

Questions or requests for future webinars? Please contact PAC Centre Director Tomasz Gruszkowski at [email protected]


Short link: https://tinyurl.com/IFLA-PAC-webinar-7

Long link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZDBiYTZhMTMtZTFhNi00NTM3LTg3NTctMzA0YjJjZDFkMGY2%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%226194b4c7-03ce-43e5-ba14-f3ec9432c554%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22ca51aae0-45db-4154-87d4-d7e5608c2984%22%7d