Webinar description

The development of genre and form vocabularies as a facet of information retrieval has gathered increasing attention in recent years. Attendees will learn some of the background history of genre and form applications and the exciting innovations that make these vocabularies relevant and useful to today’s catalog users.

Moderator: Richard Sapon-White, Oregon State University, USA


19 May, 2022 at 8 am –  9.30 PDT (17:00 pm – 18:30 pm CEST)

Please note that the webinar will begin at 17:00 CEST (8 am PDT), but the room will open 30 minutes earlier.

Introductory words
Richard Sapon-White, Oregon State University, USA

The IFLA Genre/Form Working Group, 2013-2022: A History
Ricardo Santos Muñoz, Head of Technical Services, National Library of Spain.


The Genre/Form Working Group was first proposed in 2013, but it was officially formed in 2014. The founding members set up an initial list of primary goals to work on. This presentation will recollect the short history of this group, its original goals, its achievements and its past and current projects and results.

Iteration, Not Perfection: The “Long Game” of Retrospective Implementation of Faceted Vocabularies
Casey Mullin
, Head of Cataloging & Metadata Services, Western Washington University.


The American Library Association Core Subject Analysis Committee’s Subcommittee on Faceted Vocabularies (SSFV) has spent the last several years developing a set of best practices for the retrospective (i.e., programmatic, (semi-)automated) implementation of faceted vocabularies in bibliographic metadata, with a focus on Library of Congress vocabularies. These efforts have culminated in the public release of a summary document that outlines high-level considerations, a roadmap and framework for retrospective endeavors, and links out to algorithm and mapping work done by SSFV and allied communities. Mullin will summarize work accomplished thus far. He will also discuss the challenges associated with pursuing broad-based implementation across diverse environments and user bases. In the absence of a one-size-fits-all solution, he will discuss the opportunities afforded by a modular, iterative, collaborative approach with a dedicated group like SSFV at its center.

New and Reparative Work in Controlled Vocabulary for Rare Materials Cataloging
Ryan Hildebrand, Special Collections and Authorities Cataloger, University of Oregon.


Controlled Vocabulary for Rare Materials Cataloging (formerly: RBMS Controlled Vocabularies) is a controlled vocabulary providing standardized terminology for retrieving special collections materials by form, genre, or by various physical characteristics that are typically of interest to researchers and special collections staff. Hildebrand’s presentation will focus on recent efforts to develop terminology useful for indexing works that are prejudicial in nature, or that are the byproduct of prejudicial or outright hateful systems and ideologies. He will address both the importance and difficulty of building and maintaining an equitable vocabulary, as well as applying it in an accurate and considered manner.

About the speakers

Since 2017, Ricardo Santos has been director of the Technical Processes Department at the National Library of Spain.  He began working in the department in 2003, including positions as head of Standardization Services, overseeing authority control and vocabulary services (including genre and form vocabularies), and head of the library’s linked data operations (datos.bne.es). He is a member of the IFLA Cataloguing Section, for which he serves as Information Coordinator, as well as the VIAF Council. He currently serves as Co-Chair of the Genre/Form Work Group.

Casey Mullin is Head of Cataloging and Metadata Services at Western Washington University and Managing Partner of the firm Flourish Music Metadata Solutions. He holds a Bachelor of Music in Viola Performance from WWU and a Master of Library Science from Indiana University Bloomington. Casey currently chairs the ALA Core Subject Analysis Committee’s Subcommittee on Faceted Vocabularies. He has also recently served as Chair of the Music OCLC Users Group, as Fiscal Officer on the Music Library Association Board of Directors, and currently on the Program for Cooperative Cataloging’s Policy Committee. Outside of librarianship, Casey is active as a freelance violist and violinist.

Ryan Hildebrand is the Authorities and Special Collections Cataloger at the University of Oregon. He was previously Book Cataloging Department Head at The Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas at Austin, and Rare Book Librarian at University of California, Irvine. Since 2004, he has been involved with the Controlled Vocabularies Editorial Group (CVEG) of the Rare Book and Manuscript Section (RBMS, part of ALA/ACRL). He is currently the convener of the Prejudicial Materials Working Group, a subgroup of CVEG.

The webinar is free for everyone but registration is compulsory.

If you have any questions regarding the Webinar, please, contact Drahomira Cupar (Subject Analysis and Access Information Coordinator)

Webinar organizing committee

Chair: Richard Sapon-White, Oregon State University, USA [email protected]

Brenna Bychowski, Yale University, USA
Drahomira Cupar, University of Zadar, Croatia
Aida Slavic, UDC Consortium, Netherlands
Jenny Wright, Bibliographic Data Services, UK