IFLA Annual Report 2018IFLA Annual Report 2018

Each year, IFLA Headquarters compiles its Annual Report which provides a comprehensive overview on our activities throughout the preceding year.

The report gives IFLA Members and other interested parties full and transparent details on our activities, achievements and financial performance.

Download/view the full report:

DA2I Report 2019

Development and Access to Information (DA2I) 2019Access to information – understood as the right and capacity to use, create, and share information in ways that are meaningful to each individual, community, or organisation – drives development. The Development and Access to Information (DA2I) report not only provides evidence of this contribution, but also offers a framework for assessing progress toward its delivery.

Just launched in May, DA2I 2019 is the second in a series of reports that monitors the progress countries are making towards fulfilling their commitment to promote meaningful access to information as part of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

The report offers new data, examples and arguments for placing libraries at the heart of national development strategies.  It serves to inform debate, making the case for access to information as a development accelerator – a factor that can unblock progress across a variety of areas. In particular, the new report focuses on the unique role of libraries providing this access, and so in advancing positive change.

Download the full report:

Executive summary:

IFLA/De Gruyter

Trade eBooks in Libraries: The Changing LandscapeRecent and forthcoming titles in the IFLA Publications Series and Global Studies in Libraries and Information Series celebrate the broad spectrum of IFLA’s activities.


Library Design for the 21st Century: Collaborative Strategies to Ensure Success, edited by Diane Koen and Traci Engel Lesneski

Library design in the 21st century has one common theme: collaboration is at the heart of innovation. Designing modern libraries is a complex process involving many stakeholders and participants. Libraries of all types work with an almost limitless range of constituent groups for input, buy-in and successful implementation. Securing support for new library buildings and renovations of libraries engages many people: library clients, community members, faculty, funding agencies, donors, governing authorities, librarians, architects, interior designers and planners. Telling the right story and getting to the end game demand carefully crafted approaches, wide-ranging skills, a unified vision and productive teamwork.  For this new title, the IFLA Library Buildings and Equipment Section has selected the best papers presented by award-winning architects and international thought leaders from the academic and public library sector at its recent satellite conferences and seminars throughout the world.

International and Comparative Librarianship: Concepts and Methods for Global StudiesInternational and Comparative Librarianship: Concepts and Methods for Global Studies, by Peter Johan Lor

Based on his extensive experience in international librarianship, Peter Johan Lor, South Africa's first National Librarian and a former IFLA Secretary General, has written the first comprehensive and systematic overview of international and comparative librarianship. Lor's book provides a conceptual framework and methodological guidelines for the field and covers the full range of international relations among libraries and information services, with particular attention to the international political economy of information, the international diffusion of innovations and policy in library and information services, LIS development and international aid. The book concludes with a discussion of the practical relevance and future of international and comparative studies in LIS.

Upcoming releases

Two additional titles in the IFLA Publications series will be published in 2019/2020:

If you are interested to know more about turning IFLA project outcomes into a publication or your Professional Unit has a suggestion for a hot new topic, please contact the IFLA/De Gruyter Series Editor, Janine Schmidt: [email protected].