A message from ARL Section Chair, Gulcin Cribb:

Dear colleagues,

The IFLA Academic and Research Libraries (ARL) Section has a number of vacancies. If you are interested in becoming a member of the ARL Standing Committee and collaborating with colleagues from around the world on our many exciting initiativeswe invite you to contact our Chair or Secretary, so we can assist in connecting you with a member or affiliate to nominate you.

Academic and  Research Libraries Section is the winner of the IFLA Dynamic Unit and Impact Award for 2021.

More information about the ARL Section, can be found here: Academic and Research Libraries Section as well as at ARL’s social media sites, Facebook and Twitter.

The monthly ARL blog is an excellent source of information about global ARL activities written by our many international colleagues.

The ARL webinars focus on current trends with global experts sharing their research and experiences with audience participation. Recordings of ARL webinars are available on YouTube.

We offer travel grants to deserving professionals from Africa, Latin America and Asia/Pacific regions sponsored by Ex Libris and Sage to attend the annual WLIC Congress.

If you are looking for a Section where you can make impactful contribution and collaborate with colleagues globally on meaningful activities by active participation, ARL is the Section to have you nominated to so that you can make a difference to the profession!

The timeline and information on positions can be found on IFLA’s Election 2023 webpage and in the IFLA Elections 2023 Guide. Take some time to read through the IFLA Elections Guide and if you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact the Elections Team at [email protected].


Gulcin Cribb