We are interested in presentations on content creation and publishing in libraries, for and/or with children and young adults
– by librarians; by librarians in partnership with other professionals
– with/by children and young adults
– with/by families
– to support parents with literacy problems so that they can help their children develop a love of reading
– to collect, capture or create content related to traditional knowledge and cultural heritage
– using digital literacy in particular
– creating social media content and other web content (blog posts, podcasts, videos…)
– publishing (in printed or digital form) and giving access to locally created content
– the impact of creating and giving access to locally created content

Submission Guidelines

• Proposals must be sent before February 15 2014 via email to Kirsten Boelt, email [email protected]

• They must include (in English or in French) :
– Title of paper
– Summary of paper (up to 500 words- ½ page)
– Which elements of the Call the paper covers
– The speaker’s name, address, telephone and fax numbers, professional affiliation, email address and biographical note (40 words)

• The abstracts will be reviewed by the Review Committee. Successful proposals will be identified and announced by February 28, 2014.

• Full text papers should be provided by 30 April 2014. They can be written in any of the seven IFLA official languages, but a translation into English will be very welcome. They should be 3-20 pages long, in a Word file. They must include an abstract and an appendix “lessons learnt”: succinct recommendations derived from the paper content.

• Oral presentations of papers will be of 15 minutes + 5 minutes for discussion with the audience. Texts of oral presentations must be sent to [email protected] before August 1st 2014, so that translations can be prepared.


One-day registration fees will be waived for the speakers. However, it is the speakers’ responsibility to find funding for travel, accommodation and associated costs, which IFLA and its Sections are not in a position to fund.