The registration to the IFLA PARL 2024 Annual Conference is now open. Registration deadline: 20 September 2024.

Please register through the link provided in the Event page or the Conference website.

Important note

Completing the registration form does not guarantee your place at the Conference. Your registration must be confirmed by IFLA PARL (confirmation e-mails will be sent by the organising committee). Should registrations exceed the venue’s capacity:

  • Preference may be given to IFLA members
  • Limits to the number of attendees per library or research services may be imposed

To keep up to date, visit our Get Involved page and follow us on our social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram, and X (Twitter).

For any questions, please contact: the Section’s Secretary Julie Anderson at [email protected] and the Section’s Information Coordinator Iouliani (Lila) Theodosi at [email protected].

Hope to see you in Madrid!