Strategies for Regenerating the Library and Information ProfessionThis volume comprises papers prepared for the 8th World Conference on Continuing Professional Development (Bologna, Italy, 18-20 August 2009). Within the broad theme of creating a positive work environment for a multi-generational workforce in library and information organizations, the conference addresses managing between and across generations, mentoring and coaching, attracting people to the profession and developing a new generation of leaders, re-skilling and transferability of skills, succession planning and passing on knowledge.

Strategies for Regenerating the Library and Information Profession
Edited by Jana Varlejs and Graham Walton
Munich: K.G. Saur, 2009.
ISBN 978-3-598-22044-9
(IFLA Publications; Nr 139)
Euro 99.95 / for USA, Canada, Mexico US$ 140.00
Special price for IFLA members Euro 79.95 / for USA, Canada, Mexico US$ 112.00

Also available as an eBook.


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