The UNESCO PERSIST Project (Platform to Enhance the Sustainability of the Information Society Transglobally) is pleased to announce the publication of the UNESCO PERSIST Guidelines for the selection of digital heritage for long-term preservation. The Guidelines were launched at the UNESCO PERSIST meeting earlier this year and have already had uptake across the different heritage communities.

During IFLA WLIC 2015 in Cape Town, we asked you for your input, comments and feedback on a first draft of the Guidelines. Thanks to all of you and your engagement with the project, we were able to finalise the Guidelines with a dedicated group of authors from the library, archive, and museum community.

Call to action

We now are calling on you to take the Guidelines (currently available in English, French and Arabic) and start using them as a starting point for drafting your policies for the selection of digital content for long term preservation! For this, we would also like to encourage you keep us informed on how useful the Guidelines are, what can be improved and what your general experience with them is. Send feedback and comments to [email protected].

The UNESCO PERSIST Session at WLIC 2016

For more information on UNESCO PERSIST, please attend the UNESCO Session on Monday, 16 August 2016 from 13:45-15:45 in room C210-212 where an update on the Guidelines will be presented and you will gain a more detailed overview of what the Technology and Policy Working Group of the UNESCO PERSIST Project have achieved so far and are setting out to do in the next year.