
4405 items

IFLA Input to 2019 WSIS Review

1 November 2019

    The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) process is a UN-based initiative to bridge the digital divide, foster an inclusive information society and promote the use of ICT for development. Libraries have an important role to play in achieving these goals, and IFLA has been actively involved with the WSIS process since its first phase in Geneva in 2003. This includes contributing to annual reports to take stock of the progress made towards the WSIS Action Lines and Targets – and the 2019 IFLA submission is now available!

    Two webinars for Global Media and Information Literacy Week

    25 October 2019

      As part of the University of Sheffield Information School celebrations of Global MIL Week 24-31 October, they are holding two webinars, following this year's MIL week theme of "Media and Information Literate Citizens: Informed, Engaged, Empowered". They are both 30 minutes (20 minute presentation + 10 minutes discussion) and open to anyone to attend.