
4405 items

Marrakesh Ratification in the European Union Has a Sting in the Tail

15 May 2017

    Progress towards ratification of the Marrakesh Treaty in the European Union has the potential to deliver significantly wider access to knowledge for people with print disabilities, both in Europe and around the world. But to achieve this, national legislation will need to avoid introducing unnecessary 'compensation' provisions which will only harm the institutions, such as libraries and charities, which are working to help.

    IFLA advocates globally for a better legal framework for libraries at the 34th Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR)

    9 May 2017

      Through the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR), the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) offers a platform for discussion among Member States and NGOs at a global level on intellectual property law and how to make it work better. SCCR is, among others, currently focusing on exceptions and limitations to copyright for libraries, archives and museums – the derogations from the exclusive rights of authors and publishers which allow libraries to do things such as preservation, reproduction or lending.

      Protecting Your Privacy? Go to the Library! IFLA Attends RightsCon 2017

      5 May 2017

        Libraries have always worked to help people navigate the information environment. In a digital world, access to information and freedom of expression relies on privacy. Libraries have both the responsibility to protect this in their own operations, and the opportunity to help their users benefit from their right to a private life. At its first appearance at RightsCon, IFLA set out what libraries are doing in the field.

        Libraries and Creative Commons: Realising the Potential to Achieve Shared Goals

        2 May 2017

          Human progress, innovation and creativity depends on being able to access, share and build on existing knowledge and ideas. Libraries have long been at the heart of delivering this. At the Creative Commons Global Summit, held in Toronto on 28-30 April 2017, IFLA discussed how libraries could work with open licensing to continue to achieve these objectives.

          Connectivity and Beyond: Libraries Help Build an Inclusive Internet

          1 May 2017

            The Internet has already made a very significant contribution to providing access to information, a long-standing goal of libraries. With four billion already connected, more people can access more knowledge, more easily, than ever before. At a meeting in Washington IFLA highlighted the role of libraries not only in bringing the rest of the world online, but also in empowering people to make the most of the Internet.