
4405 items

IFLA invites you to submit examples of how libraries contribute to the United Nations 2030 Agenda

6 March 2017

    IFLA launches a call for examples, to support the advocacy work done by the library community at national, regional and global levels. Data and examples are key to show policy makers how libraries are already supporting development through their programmes, products and services. Therefore, this survey aims to gather examples that will be used for the advocacy work done by IFLA, its members and the broader library community related to the UN 2030 Agenda and the SDGs.

    Help shape our future of change! Join us at the President's Meeting 2017!

    24 February 2017

      While the shared values of libraries and the information field remain a constant, continuous change in society creates challenges for the profession. What are the major challenges to maintaining these values? The issues facing libraries today require a collective and joint response; successfully achieving a common vision.

      Libraries included in the recently published Finnish National Development Plan

      22 February 2017

        On 2 February 2017, Finland published its National Development Plan for implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals to achieve the UN Agenda 2030. The plan includes libraries. Libraries are acknowledged in the context of the action plan to prevent hate speech and racism and to promote social inclusion: “The role of public libraries as promoters of active citizenship, cultural diversity and democracy shall be strengthened”.

        Second Call for Papers - Satellite Meeting Vilnius 2017

        14 February 2017

          “The Challenge of Multiple Identities - Multi-ethnicity in Genealogy, Local History and Regional Memory - Challenges and Opportunities for Libraries and Other Memory Institutions" is the theme for the main session. Genealogy and Local History Section (GENLOC) joint with Asia and Oceania Section and Information Technology Section invite proposals for papers to be presented at the session.

          Libraries Educate, Copyright Reform can Help

          13 February 2017

            Education is central to the work of libraries, from simply giving access to books to more formal courses on anything from literacy and language to computer skills, creative writing and other subjects. To facilitate this, libraries, schools and other institutions offering education need copyright rules that make it easy to create and use materials for teaching. IFLA, alongside 33 other organisations, has called on the EU to pass reforms that will set an example for this.