
4405 items

One Step Forward, No Steps Back: National Ratification Needs to Respect the Objectives of the Treaty of Marrakesh

1 September 2016

    The signing of the Treaty of Marrakesh in 2013 was a first step towards providing access to knowledge for some of the most vulnerable in society. It offers a response to the book famine that people with print disabilities have long faced. However, IFLA is concerned that when ratifying the Treaty, some countries risk introducing new barriers to access. This is completely contrary to the spirit of Marrakesh.

    IFLA FAIFE Releases Statement on the Continued House Arrest of Natalya Sharina

    1 September 2016

      Natalya Sharina, Director of the Library of Ukrainian Literature in Moscow, has been under house arrest since October 2015. Recent media reports, suggesting that her detention will continue at least until 28 October only underline the disproportionate and unnecessary nature of the treatment she has received. IFLA's Committee on Freedom of Access to Information and Freedom of Expression has issued a statement.

      Drivers of Change – eBook Now Available

      17 August 2016

        In 2015, librarians from across Latin America met in Buenos Aires, Argentina. They came to share experiences and reflections, hopes and ambitions about the future of libraries and how they could best serve their users. A new report, in Spanish, now shares their contributions. IFLA encourages you to read, reflect and share your own views on how libraries can be drivers of change.