Proposals are welcome in response to two calls that we are happy to release today, focusing on building libraries’ ability to deliver on public interest goals at scale. These address how library fields are structured, and the impacts of IFLA’s Building Strong Library Associations programme. Bids are welcome by 12 July 2024. This work is made possible thanks to the support of Stichting IFLA Global Libraries.

Libraries have a huge potential to contribute to the delivery of public interest goals in the communities that they serve, as illustrated – for example – by the stories featured on our Library Map of the World.

A particular potential strength of libraries – both as lead actors in delivering change, and as partners for others – is their reach, across geographies and into communities, making it possible for them to be actors in supporting positive change for people across countries or regions.

To be able to do this, having supportive structures in place is essential.

As part of work – through partnership between IFLA and Stichting IFLA Global Libraries – to ensure that the global library field can maximise its contribution to delivering public interest goals, we are therefore happy to launch two requests for proposals for research.

Understanding Library Field Structures

The first looks to understand better the structure of national and regional library fields, in particular from the perspective of how far there are structures in place that facilitate the delivery of public benefit project working.

A key deliverable will be a report, published open access, that supports library associations and policy-makers in their own planning and decisions. Download the request for proposals.

Reviewing Support for Library Association Development and Sustainability for the Public Benefit

The second looks at IFLA’s Building Strong Library Associations programme, which ran in the years up to 2016, and which saw associations around the world benefit from training and mentoring in different areas.

The request focuses on drawing conclusions about the longer term impacts of the programme, and looking at potential areas for development, with a particular focus on how associations can strengthen their role in supporting the deliver of public interest goals. Download the request for proposals.

Details about how to apply, and what we expect of applicants can be found in the requests linked to above. The deadline for bids is 23:59pm Amsterdam time on 12 July 2024. Bids and questions should be submitted to ifla[at]