3rd IFLA Symposium on Artificial Intelligence

The North-West University Library and Information Service, Information Technology and the Faculty of Engineering: School of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering (South Africa), in collaboration with the IFLA IT Section, are pleased to host this Artificial Intelligence Symposium.

The symposium aims to bring together industry leaders to discuss digital transformation strategies institutions can apply to enable agile, collaborative, and integrated service operations. The objective is to promote partnerships, networking, and collaborations within different organisations in developing e-services supporting teaching, learning, and research. This implies innovative changes and adaptability in human skills and creative imagination to establish, develop, and maintain an enabling Teaching and Learning environment aligned with digital tools. New methods and techniques will be explored for future research avenues in various fields of Artificial Intelligence, Infrastructure and Computation, and Machine Learning.

Aim of the Event

The symposium aims to bring together industry leaders to discuss digital strategies institutions can apply to enable agile, collaborative, and integrated service operations. This implies innovative changes and adaptability in human skills and creative imagination to establish, develop, and maintain an enabling Teaching and Learning environment aligned with digital tools. New methods and techniques will be explored for future research avenues in various fields of Artificial Intelligence, Infrastructure and Computation, and Machine Learning.

The main theme is: Artificial Intelligence in teaching, learning & research: Promoting Digital access to information through automation.

Important Dates

  • First call for papers: 24 March 2023
  • Paper confirmations: 5 June 2023
  • Online registration opens: 5 July 2023
  • On-site registration: 4 September 2023
  • Conference date: 5 – 7 September 2023

Contact information

Neli Tshabalala
NWU: Library and Information Service, Director Shared Services
Organising Committee
[email protected]

Dr. Edmund Balnaves
Chair, IFLA IT Section – Director Prosentient Systems, Australia
[email protected]

May Chang
Mentor IT Section and Committee Member AI SIG – Library Chief Technology Officer, University of Cincinnati, United States of America
[email protected]

Cecil Gasa
NWU: Library and Information Service, Manager Library Systems
Organising Committee
[email protected]

Lizwi Njani
NWU: IT Academic and Office Solutions, Business Analyst
[email protected]

Please find further details and updated information on our dedicated website.