IFLA is hosting the Volunteer Welcome Event 2023 for the volunteers who will serve on IFLA committees for the term 2023-2025 or 2023-2027.

Newly-elected or newly-appointed IFLA Volunteers will be provided with an overview of the IFLA structure and how work takes place across its three branches – Advisory, Professional and Regional.

New volunteers will be welcomed by the IFLA President, Barbara Lison, will have the opportunity to meet IFLA’s new Secretary General, Sharon Memis, and the IFLA President-elect, Vicki McDonald will share her vision for the coming term. They will also be introduced to members of the incoming IFLA Leadership structure and members of IFLA’s headquarters staff who will be working to support them. Volunteers will have the opportunity to ask questions and to have those questions answered.

This is a closed event only for the newly-elected or newly-appointed IFLA Volunteers for the term 2023-2025 or 2023-2027. If you are a newly-elected or newly-appointed IFLA Volunteer, you will receive an email with a link to register for the event.

The event will be recorded and posted in the Volunteers Welcome Basecamp for those unable to attend.