Submission Deadline: 15 January 2018

IFLA Journal

IFLA Journal and IFLA’s Freedom of Access to Information and Freedom of Expression (FAIFE) Advisory Committee are pleased to announce a call for papers for a special issue focused on Privacy.  In the Digital Age, information is both more plentiful and more easily accessible than ever, a fact that has had profound implications for individuals’ ability to exercise control over their own personal information.  Many Library and Information Science institutions, associations, and professionals have long established privacy as a pillar of the profession’s ethical codes, but as the nature of the creation and dissemination of information, as well as its content, has changed in recent decades, so too have the questions institutions, associations, and professionals face about how to define and uphold privacy.

IFLA Journal invites papers for a special issue focused on privacy, libraries, and information professions across all continents. The issue will be published in the summer of 2018 as Volume 44:2. In particular, the main goal of the special issue is to gather the latest theory, research, and practices from libraries and information professions to further the professional discourse on the definition and provision of privacy in the 21st century. 

Guest Editors:

Dr. Louise Cooke
Reader in Information & Knowledge Management
Head of Information Management Discipline Group
School of Business & Economics
Loughborough University

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • The development and role of professional ethics in creating privacy norms within libraries and information organizations
  • Legislative rights and constraints on privacy in libraries and information organizations
  • Internet technologies and privacy
  • Privacy standards and norms in new information professions
  • Public perceptions and behaviors regarding privacy, information access, and communications
  • Education programs to inform public of issues regarding privacy and information access
  • Privacy policies and practices of specific organizations
  • Library interactions with public policy on privacy
  • Collection, preservation, and safeguarding of digital data
  • Confidentiality of services and usage information

Submission Deadline:

Articles for the special issue should be submitted to IFLA Journal for peer review before 15 January 2018.

How to Submit a Manuscript

IFLA Journal is hosted on ScholarOne™ Manuscripts, a web based online submission and peer review system SAGE Track. Please read the Manuscript Submission guidelines, and then simply visit the IFLA Journal Manuscript submission webpage to login and submit your article online.

IMPORTANT: Please check whether you already have an account in the system before trying to create a new one. If you have reviewed or authored for the journal in the past year it is possible that you will have had an account created.

All papers must be submitted via the online system. If you would like to discuss your paper prior to submission, please contact Steven Witt, Editor of IFLA Journal: [email protected].

For instructions on formatting your manuscript please consult the submission guidelines.

About IFLA Journal

IFLA Journal is an international journal publishing peer reviewed articles on library and information services and the social, political and economic issues that impact access to information through libraries. The Journal publishes research, case studies and essays that reflect the broad spectrum of the profession internationally. All articles are subject to peer review. Articles are published in English. Abstracts will be translated by IFLA (the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions) into the other working languages of IFLA—Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Russian or Spanish—for publication.

IFLA Journal is published by Sage Publications and is the official journal of IFLA, and has an international readership consisting of academic institutions, professional organizations, and IFLA members who all receive a free subscription to the journal.

Each issue of IFLA Journal is made available Open Access upon publication on IFLA’s website.  Authors are also encouraged to make the accepted version of their manuscripts available in their personal or institutional repositories.