The IFLA Library and Research Services for Parliaments Section (PARL) invites proposals for presentations at its 2024 Annual Conference to be hosted by the Senado de España, in Madrid, Spain, on Thursday and Friday October 17-18, 2024.

Submission Deadline: Friday August 9, 2024

Presentations topics

The Conference focus is on Leveraging Collective Expertise for Innovation and Impact in Parliamentary Libraries and Research Services. We invite proposals for short and inspiring presentations and posters to support the following topics related to the theme:

Innovation and New Practices for Enhanced Service Delivery

  • Latest practices and solutions that enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of parliamentary libraries and research services;
  • Case studies and lessons learned from implementing new technologies, methodologies, or organizational changes;
  • Successful collaborations, partnerships, and cross-organizational initiatives that have led to improved services and increased resources;
  • Understanding and meeting the evolving needs of users;
  • Innovative methods for gathering user feedback, assessing satisfaction and adapting services;
  • Communication and marketing strategies to ensure services are known, accessible and relevant;
  • Best approaches to optimize the use of limited resources.

Collective Expertise in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

  • Explore the role of artificial intelligence in parliamentary libraries and research services;
  • Present AI tools use and/or new technologies;
  • Discuss the ethical, practical, and strategic implications of AI integration in our field;
  • Envision the future landscape shaped by AI advancements;


  • Reflect on the evolving role of parliamentary libraries and research services in a rapidly changing world;
  • Discuss strategies for professional growth, adaptability, and embracing new challenges in the age of fast technological developments;
  • Inspire colleagues to step out of their comfort zones and drive meaningful change in their organizations.

Highly engaging presentations will be selected with a knowledge sharing and practical experience focus, as well as encouraging innovative thinking in parliamentary libraries, research, and information services.

Please note that the presentations are required to be delivered in-person. Presenters will have 10 minutes each.

Proposal submission

Please send an abstract (approx. 300 words) in English to:
– Julie Anderson, IFLAPARL Secretary
[email protected]
– Lila Theodosi, IFLAPARL Information Coordinator
[email protected]

Please use as the subject heading of your email “IFLAPARL 2024 Annual Conference″, followed by your name and organization.

Proposals should include:

  • Title of proposed presentation/poster
  • Abstract of proposed presentation/poster (no more than 300 words)
  • Theme (see above) your presentation/poster addresses
  • Name(s) of presenter(s) and position or title
  • Employer / Institution
  • Contact information, including e-mail address and telephone number
  • Short biographical statement of presenter(s)

Language of presentations/posters

The live presentations can be delivered in English or Spanish. English/Spanish and Spanish/English interpretation will be provided by the Spanish Senate.

Posters, slides and powerpoint presentations should be in English

Proposals submited should be in English

Important dates

  • August 9, 2024: Deadline for presentation proposals
  • August 23, 2024: Expected response by members of the IFLAPARL Standing Committee to submissions
  • October 4, 2024: Deadline for selected presenters to submit final presentations

Please note that, with the authors’ permission, we intend to publish the full presentations in IFLAPARL Newsletter. If interested, you can state your permission in your presentation submission e-mail. The authors of the presentations to be published will receive e-mail with further information.