Locating LIS schools worldwide is often challenging as there are no global databases currently in existence. The IFLA global database and map of LIS schools and programmes is an international collaborative project launched by the IFLA Building Strong Library and Information Science Education (IFLA-BSLISE) Working Group to address this gap. The global interactive database will be built using data gathered through an online questionnaire to be completed by LIS schools.

Information that will be captured in the database include degrees available, certifications offered, languages available within the programme, registration for professional practice, and contact details.

The information provided could:

  • Assist members of the LIS community establish professional relationships for potential collaborations;
  • Enable researchers in other countries access more up-to-date data about LIS schools and programmes as well as professional requirements;
  • Raise public awareness about the education and training of LIS professionals; and
  • Update IFLA for the planning of future advocacy initiatives.

Expanding the Map project has been identified as the key initiative of 2022 by the IFLA LIS Education in Developing Countries Special Interest Group (LISEDC SIG). This group aims to help strengthen areas on the map that are underrepresented. You could support the Map project by completing this form if your school is currently not featured on the map.

You are welcome to reach out to the following LISEDC SIG members for further information or clarification:

  • China: Professor Bella Jing Zhang, PHD
    School of Information Management, Sun Yat-sen University
    Guangdong Province, Guangzhou, China
    [email protected]
  • South Asia: Dr Gina de Alwis
    Independent Researcher, Singapore
    [email protected]
  • Southeast Asia: Dr Diljit Singh
    Retired Professor, University of Malaya, Malaysia
    [email protected]

For more information on the project, please refer to the recording of the webinar hosted by BLISE:  Mapping LIS Education Programs: Professional, Educational and Research Perspectives, 9 February 2021

Written by: Dr Gina de Alwis, Member, IFLA LISEDC SIG & Independent Researcher, Singapore