
4465 items

Outcomes of the second WIPO regional seminar: #Copyright4Libraries in the African Region

27 June 2019

    African countries have very different copyright laws, all at various stages of development and/or review. Some countries have very outdated copyright laws, whilst others have amended their copyright laws more recently, or are in the process of reviewing them, for example, Kenya and South Africa. IFLA and partner organisations advocated for adequate and balanced copyright laws for libraries, archives, museums, research and education at the WIPO regional seminar for the African region.

    PAC Centres developing new capacity building efforts

    26 June 2019

      IFLA’s Preservation and Conservation Centres play a valuable role in IFLA’s work to safeguard cultural heritage. By bringing together experience and expertise from all over the globe, they form a powerful network. The PAC Centres are currently working to strengthen the collaboration further, to the benefit of the whole global library field.

      European Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market: what it is about and why libraries should care

      18 June 2019

        On 17 May 2019, after several years of discussion, the European Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market was published in the official journal of the European Union. It enters into force on 20 June 2019, which marks the beginning of a two-year period for member states to change their laws in order to meet the objectives of the directive.

        Reunión de la Presidenta de la IFLA 2019: Nuevas perspectivas, nuevas posibilidades y un llamado a la acción para las bibliotecas como motores de cambio

        4 June 2019

          Con la aprobación de la Agenda 2030 de las Naciones Unidas para 2015, los gobiernos subrayaron la importancia del acceso a la información como motor del desarrollo. La Reunión de la Presidenta de la IFLA de 2019, celebrada en Buenos Aires, Argentina, el 23 de mayo, exploró cómo las bibliotecas, como garantes de este acceso, pueden ser motores de cambio, y fue un llamado a la acción para todos los participantes, en persona y en línea.