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IFLA MLAS Advocacy Impact Evaluation Project

19 April 2023

    The IFLA MLAS Advocacy Impact Evaluation Project is a two-year project started in November 2021. The final project result, the Review of Advocacy Impact Evaluation Practices in the Library Field, is scheduled to be published in August 2023. The aim of the project is to strengthen the advocacy impact evaluation practice in the library field by providing a set of guidance and recommendations about how to measure and evaluate the library advocacy impact.


    19 April 2023

      IFLA’s Science and Technology Libraries (SCITECH) Section has hosted a number of programs over the years that explored and addressed open access. Programs ranging from Open Practices (2022), Library as Driver for Open Access (2018), Open Data (2016), and Open Access Across Scientific Disciplines (2009), among others. In this article we provide some background on Open Access (OA) and how it is in line with our section’s 2023 World Library and Information Congress (WLIC) programme.

      Open should mean open

      19 April 2023

        Open Access (OA) is both old and new. The oldest online scholarly journal published continually via open access dates to 1990; the first book on the desirability and feasibility of open access dates to 1995; the Budapest OA initiative dates to 2002. The goal of universal open access of scientific and scholarly information has been elusive, but the time seems to have come for a dramatic upswing in the percentage of such content that is available on open terms.

        Evolving acquisition and collection development

        19 April 2023

          This year, IFLA's Acquisition and Collection Development (ACD) Section continues its work to support acquisitions and collection development processes for libraries across the globe. Following last year’s focus on incorporating open access content into library collections, we shift our attention to Open Educational Resources (OER) collection development practices.

          CFP: Identifiers for identities: Rectifying the (mis)representation of demographic groups (SAA Open Session at WLIC 2023)

          13 April 2023

            The IFLA Subject Analysis and Access (SAA) Section is seeking proposals for papers to be presented at their Open Session at the IFLA World Library and Information Congress 2023 in Rotterdam, Netherlands. Theme: "Identifiers for identities: Rectifying the (mis)representation of demographic groups". The Deadline for proposal submissions (300-500 words) is 1 May 2023.

            Change to membership of the IFLA Governing Board 

            6 April 2023

              IFLA has received a statement from the Management of Library Associations Section (MLAS) on removing Halo Locher from the position of MLAS Chair and therefore from the Governing Board. The decision affects the composition of the Governing Board until a new Chair of MLAS is elected who will then become a member of the Governing Board.