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IFLA Newsletter, October 2022: Editorial

20 October 2022

    Urban October – celebrated throughout the month by UN HABITAT – is an opportunity to highlight contributions, and so urban development is also the theme of this newsletter. In addition to more about libraries and sustainable urban development – including from the Library Map of the World – read on too for more about how libraries are contributing to two other international days marked in October – Evidence Based Healthcare Day, and World Statistics Day.

    Why Big Data Matters: Perspectives from the Libraries

    20 October 2022

      World Statistics Day is celebrated around the globe on 20 October quinquennially, first celebrated in 2010. The theme of the third World Statistics Day was “Connecting the world with data we can trust”, reflecting the importance of trust, authoritative data, innovation and public good in national statistical systems. The celebration of World Statistics Day is a global collaborative endeavour, organised under the guidance of the United Nations Statistical Commission. See what Patrick Cher, Convenor of IFLA’s Big Data Special Interest Group has to say about why Big Data matters to libraries.

      IFLA Units+Strategy: Evidence for Global and Disaster Health Special Interest Group - Leading as a Valued Partner

      20 October 2022

        Sponsored by the IFLA Health and Biosciences Section, the IFLA Evidence for Global and Disaster Health (E4GDH) Special Interest Group works to promote and strengthen the roles that librarians play in times of disaster and in response to global health challenges. In the spirit of partnership, this month IFLA features the IFLA Health and Biosciences (HBS) Section and their partner the IFLA Evidence for Global Disaster and Health (E4GDH) Special Interest Group in the Units + Strategy recognition series, for their collaborative efforts not only with each other, but with several external medical and health-related information organisations.  Read about what they’ve been doing and what they’ve got planned for 2022-2023.

        IFLA Units+Strategy: Health and Biosciences Section Engages and Energises the Healthcare Library Sector

        20 October 2022

          In the spirit of partnership, this month IFLA features the IFLA Health and Biosciences (HBS) Section and their partner the IFLA Evidence for Global Disaster and Health (E4GDH) Special Interest Group in the Units + Strategy recognition series, for their collaborative efforts not only with each other, but with several external medical and health-related information organisations. Read about what they’ve been doing and what they’ve got planned for 2022-2023.

          HBS and E4GDH partner as Evidence Ambassadors for Evidence-based Healthcare Day 2022

          20 October 2022

            Today, 20 October 2022 is World Evidence-based Healthcare Day (EBHC). Occurring during Health Literacy Month, EBHC is an opportunity to highlight the ways that evidence-based health literacy can support global healthcare efforts. Check out the IFLA Health and Bioscience (HBS) Section and Evidence for Global and Disaster Health (E4GDH) Special Interest Group Ambassador vlogs:

            IFLA IL & SL Sections Joint Webinar on Information Literacy in School Librarians' Education and in their Instructional Work

            17 October 2022

              The webinar is organized by the joint team of two IFLA Sections – Information Literacy (IL) and School Libraries (SL) – and is delivered online within the programs of celebrations and initiatives for the Global Media and Information Literacy Week 2022, promoted by UNESCO, and the International School Library Month 2022, promoted by the International Association of School Librarianship (IASL).

              Successful 3rd meeting of the Network of Parliamentary Libraries for Latin America and the Caribbean

              13 October 2022

                The Third Meeting of the Network of Parliamentary Libraries for Latin America and the Caribbean was held at the Congress of the Argentine Nation on September 19-21, 2022. Authorities of libraries and information agencies of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, El Salvador, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico and Uruguay shared experiences and proposals on different activities. The legislatures of the Argentine provinces were also part of the event.