
4460 items

Out Now: March 2024 issue of IFLA Journal

26 April 2024

    The March 2024 issue of IFLA Journal features articles derived from conference papers presented at the BOBCATSSS 2023 conference through an editorial process that strove to mentor early career researchers through the writing and peer review process. The articles cover a wide range of topics related to libraries, information science, and accessibility. Overall, the issue provides valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities facing libraries in the 21st century.

    Information Access: the Internet and AI

    23 April 2024

      Artificial Intelligence (AI) may be about to usher in a golden age of access to knowledge. The power of AI to treat text, audio and images as data and to find patterns in them promises new types of deeper search. Services like recommendation, personalisation of information and translation are improving to make it easier for all to access knowledge. Generative AI’s ability to summarise and synthesise is evolving to make it easier to use and create information. Read more about how the AI SIG supports learning around information access and AI.

      The Internet that We Want

      22 April 2024

        The internet is fundamental to library publishing facilitating the publication, dissemination, discoverability and preservation of scholarly works globally through open access publishing platforms and institutional repositories, and serves as a catalyst for community building and professional networking within the Library Publishing Community, exemplified by initiatives like the Global Library Publishing Map produced by the IFLA SIG. The internet we want will further empower library publishers to expand their reach, enhance discoverability, uphold the values of global knowledge dissemination, and will build on universal access initiatives.

        The stuff the Internet is made from: conceptual models  

        22 April 2024

          How can information on the internet be categorized, related and interpreted? We’ve all had experiences searching and getting results that are not what we were thinking, such as searching for feline jaguars and getting motor vehicles or a sports team. If only we could get across what kind of thing we’re looking for, this noise could be reduced.  Read more about how the IFLA LRM (Library Reference Model) and the jointly-developed LRMoo (Library Reference Model Object Identifier) make for successful searching.

          Message from the IFLA President, 19 April 2024

          22 April 2024

            I’m happy to be writing to you, just a day after the IFLA Governing Board’s first in-person meeting of the year has come to an end! It was great to see colleagues together in The Hague for a really positive and productive meeting – the three days flew by, but I believe that we are making excellent progress against the commitments set out in August of last year.

            Who is funding library projects? New open data resource

            22 April 2024

              In addition to core funding received from host institutions, governments or others, libraries represent great partners for others who share our commitment to supporting sustainable development. The results of a project made possible by Stichting IFLA Global Libraries, and carried out by The Doyenne Project, give an idea of who has a track-record of supporting libraries among private donors and public development agencies.