
4465 items

Elecciones 2021 de la IFLA: una oportunidad para participar

1 March 2021

    Hoy se abre el proceso de nominaciones para las elecciones y designaciones de la IFLA en 2021. Los candidatos tienen seis semanas para efectuar sus presentaciones, y los Miembros y Afiliados el mismo plazo para presentar sus nominaciones para más de 800 cargos disponibles.

    IFLA Elections 2021: Opportunities to Engage

    1 March 2021

      Today, the nominations process for IFLA’s elections and appointments 2021 opens. There are six weeks for candidates to come forward, and for Members and Affiliates to submit nominations for the over 800 positions available.

      Message from RSCAO Chair

      24 February 2021

        Dear Colleagues and Friends, The year of 2020 that brought immense difficulties has finally come to an end! On behalf of the IFLA Asia and Oceania Section, I wish you and your family a happy, healthy and prosperous 2021.