
4465 items

COVID-19 y el Sector Bibliotecario Global: Declaración de la Presidenta y del Secretario General de la IFLA

23 March 2020

    Frente a esta situación, las bibliotecas de todo el mundo se han movilizado. Ofrecen colecciones valiosas de información confiable sobre el coronavirus a fin de proveerle a la gente una fuente en la que puedan confiar. Están reforzando la capacidad de las bibliotecas digitales y ampliando la oportunidad de realizar préstamos electrónicos y de acceder a los recursos en línea.

    Libraries Help Deliver on Human Rights in Australia, Georgia and Myanmar

    18 March 2020

      In cooperation with our partners in Australia, Georgia and Myanmar, IFLA prepared stakeholder inputs for the Universal Periodic Review in these countries. The three submissions explore libraries’ contribution to promoting and protecting human rights – from the rights to information, education and culture, to the rights and empowerment of vulnerable populations, and beyond.

      IFLA "Reading Journeys" Satellite Meeting CANCELLED

      16 March 2020

        On behalf of the IFLA’s Literacy and Reading, Public Libraries, Metropolitan Libraries and Libraries for Children’s and Young Adults Professional Units, it is with disappointed hearts (and logical heads) that we announce the IFLA Reading Journeys event in Oxford, UK in August 2020 will not proceed.

        International Women’s Day 2020: How Libraries Help Deliver on Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women

        9 March 2020

          2020 marks 25 years since UN Member States and international society committed to the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action - an ambitious roadmap towards gender equality. A new IFLA study looks at how far governments have, in their implementation efforts, sought to draw on libraries and address questions where information plays a role.