This is the fourth in a series of four virtual events presented by News Media, Digital Humanities, FAIFE, and CLM.  This event offers three speakers’ research into the concept of fake news and its impact in modern society.

Panelists are Damien Wang and Sara Pek, discussing “Strengthening information literacy in the time of COVID-19: the role and contributions of the National Library of Singapore,” and Victor Mutyev, who will explore research titled, “News analytics in LIS Education and Practice

View the recording here.



  • Damien Wang and Sara Pek
  • Victor Mutyev

Suggested Audience: Library professionals; graduate students of LIS, History, Humanities; digital preservation specialists; researchers

Organiser: Ana Krahmer ([email protected])

Sponsored by: IFLA News Media SectionCopyright and other Legal Matters (CLM) Advisory Committee, Freedom of Access to Information and Freedom of Expression (FAIFE) Advisory Committee, and the Digital Humanities – Digital Scholarship Special Interest Group