IFLA’s PAC Centre for digital preservation hosted at the National Library of Poland is holding a series of 10 webinars to walk beginners through the route to basic understanding of digitisation projects. For the fourth webinar in the series, experts will discuss legal issues that are fundamental for providing access to deliverables of digitisation projects. 

Speakers will offer participants both theory and real life examples. It is free to join and will cover up-to-date practices for digitisation. No registration needed. Recordings will be posted online following the webinar.

When:  June 9th, 2PM (CEST), 8 AM (EST)

Join the webinar at this link: https://tinyurl.com/IFLA-PAC-webinar-4

The audience is welcome to ask questions by email to [email protected] and during the webinar in chat.

The webinar is free, and no registration required.

About the Webinar

Dr Maja Bogataj Jančič will provide a basic overview of EU copyright law especially as it relates to libraries and cultural collections, present the new exceptions and limitations for libraries in the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market (2019), and remind old ones from the Information Society Directive (2001).

Melissa Levine will present a brief explanation of the structure of US copyright law and key limitations and exceptions (primarily fair use) for context, and discuss Rightsstatements.org which is directly relevant for the audience. She will also discuss the approach used by the University of Michigan Library for proposing digital collections which includes a basic intake proposal form that will be useful for understanding the process.

Tomasz Gruszkowski will moderate the webinar and ask questions.



Melissa Levine provides guidance on all aspects of copyright, publishing, scholarly communication, open research and scholarship. She works closely with the campus community to think through approaches to copyright that support transformative learning experiences and U-M strategic priorities. She supports the HathiTrust Digital Library. Melissa’s professional experience spans museums and libraries — from the Smithsonian Institution to the Library of Congress. She is a lecturer for the U-M School of Information (Intellectual Property and Information Law) and previously taught for the masters in museum studies program at Johns Hopkins University. Learn more at https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1104-2911

Dr Maja Bogataj Jančič is the founder and head of the Intellectual Property Institute based in Slovenia. Her research and academic work is focused on intellectual property, especially copyright. Since 2019 she is Representative and Legal Lead of the Slovenian Chapter in the Creative Commons Global Network. Maja’s work has recently focused on data management and AI, especially copyright issues related to machine learning, data governance and AI. She is co-chair of the data governance working group at the Global Artificial Intelligence Partnership (GPAI.AI). She holds several Master degrees (Ljubljana, Harvard and Turin) and a Doctoral degree from the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana. She is the author and co-author of publications in the field of new technologies and intellectual property law.

Tomasz Gruszkowski has been with the Digital Collections Department of the National Library of Poland since March 2016, introducing and maintaining digitisation standards at the digital lab, overseeing the public tender for purchase of digitisation equipment. Director of IFLA Preservation and Conservation Centre for digital preservation at the National Library. He has delivered lectures and speeches on digitisation, standards, cultural heritage, digital preservation at conferences and congresses.


Short URL: https://tinyurl.com/IFLA-PAC-webinar-4

Long URL: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MzJmZDJkMjMtMjA4OC00OGRlLWJkYzgtNWE2MmQ3Y2E2Mjc1%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%226194b4c7-03ce-43e5-ba14-f3ec9432c554%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22ca51aae0-45db-4154-87d4-d7e5608c2984%22%7d