In Columbus, Ohio 2016 the Knowledge Management Standing Committee invites you to experiment with new ways of working and to share your own techniques in an exciting new format for an interactive open session. If you use social networks in your institution or if you have out of the ordinary methods for sharing knowledge for everyday work, this call for demos is for you!

Tell us how you use social media to share the best practices of your organization, to involve colleagues in new projects, to connect your library with other projects at your institution, to improve your work processes, and to create team spirit. We want you to present your success stories and share with the public live, on stage, with a computer and a use case in a very practical way.

The selection will be based on the following submission criteria:

  • An abstract explaining your method in a few words
  • A live demo of your concept in 5 minutes through internet (or video)

On the day of the open session, your presentation will be a 20-minute live demo and a 10-minute live exchange with your audience. We look forward to hearing your ideas!

Deadline for the abstract: 18 March 2016 

Send it to [email protected] or send it to the KM section through our FB page.