Room: Wicklow Hall 1
Organizers: New Professionals Special Interest Group, Audiovisual and Multimedia Section
Tuesday, July 26, 14:45 – 16:15
Session 076 Digital Skills On Fire Workshop

Chair: Mirjana Nešić, Academy of Applied Technical Studies Library Belgrade, Serbia
Moderator: Anna Bohn, Zentral- und Landesbibliothek in Berlin, Germany

This session will focus on presenting free and open source applications and programs allowing to create digital content.

Through an interactive workshop – participants will learn how to create, use and share some of the multimedia forms (promotional video, video book trailer, short animation) and will learn about synthetic media applications that are used to manipulate audiovisual content, tools that are used to spread misinformation or disinformation and to create deepfakes, as well as skills to evaluate and verify information.

Space is limited for this session. Participants are asked to bring their own laptops and send a quick message “I will attend” via email to address: [email protected]