We are IFLA

Without a strong commitment to multilingualism underpinning our core work, IFLA would not be able to bridge the cultural differences across the library community and wider environment in which libraries operate. Two new translations of the IFLA Strategy help expand our reach by more than 400,000,000 people.

Engagement by the global library field is key to the development of the IFLA Strategy 2019-2024 and this is manifesting itself in a fundamental way: language.  Besides being already available in all seven official IFLA languages, two new translations of the IFLA Strategy into Portuguese and Urdu are now online.

IFLA Secretary General Gerald Leitner said:

Having the IFLA Strategy available in more languages is crucial to bettering our reach and understanding, and we applaud the grassroots effort to bring the Strategy to a wider audience. We are so excited to see such an enthusiastic response from across our global community.  Keep them coming!

Together, we are building a strong and united library field, powering literate, informed and participatory societies. What can you do to share its message—and to inspire and engage others—just as you have been inspired and engaged? One step is to help us make a strong starting point for those outside our official languages so we can become more inclusive reach even more people. Everyone has a role in building our future, no matter the location or language.

If you would like to translate the Strategy into another language, please contact [email protected] and we will provide you with a template and instructions. We will add your translation to our website so that more people can develop actions to strengthen our field and achieve our vision.