
4423 items

Call for Papers: IFLA Journal special issue on Information Literacy

26 November 2018

    IFLA Journal and IFLA’s Library Theory and Research (LTR) and Information Literacy (IL) Sections are pleased to announce a call for papers for a special issue focused on theory and practice in information literacy. Peer review submission deadline: 30 June 2019

    Help us demonstrate how the Public Library Manifesto makes a difference

    26 November 2018

      On 29 November 2018 we will mark 24 years since the IFLA/UNESCO Public Library Manifesto was ratified in 1994. As we move towards celebrating the 25th anniversary in 2019, public libraries and public librarians everywhere are being asked to reflect on how the Manifesto relates to their library and to share this on social media. In particular we would like to have a concentrated social media campaign on Thursday 29 November 2018 which marks the beginning of the lead up to the 25th Anniversary.

      Tearing down myths around the South African Copyright Amendment Bill

      20 November 2018

        Ahead of further debate around the South African Copyright Amendment Bill, IFLA would like to share views on a number of issues raised by some stakeholders around the proposed legislation. Although the Bill is well underway, and there is positive progress on several library-related topics, there is concern that issues raised by a few stakeholders might slow down or undermine progress.

        Prochaine réunion sur le droit d'auteur à l'organisation mondiale de la propriété intellectuelle : impliquez-vous !

        15 November 2018

          Le droit d'auteur est un élément central dans le travail des bibliothèques, et c’est pourquoi l’IFLA est un défenseur actif de meilleures lois du droit d’auteur. Notre engagement auprès de l'Organisation mondiale de la propriété intellectuelle (OMPI) en est un élément essentiel. Le comité du droit d'auteur de l'OMPI (le SCCR) se réunit deux fois par an et a la capacité de légiférer sur plusieurs aspects. Le sujet des exceptions et limitations au droit d'auteur en faveur des bibliothèques, archives et musées est à l'ordre du jour. La prochaine réunion est en approche : elle aura lieu du 26 au 30 novembre.