
4423 items

Open, Transparent and Free: Libraries Defend an Internet that Works for Users at LACIGF

22 August 2018

    Given libraries’ contribution to expanding access – and reliance on the right laws and infrastructures – they have an important place in discussions about the future of the Internet. The Latin America and Caribbean Internet Governance Forum is no exception. IFLA’s representatives at the latest edition provided the following report.

    IFLA Secretary-General Welcomes Naming of Michelle Bachelet as Human Rights Commissioner

    22 August 2018

      Defending, promoting and respecting human rights is fundamental for libraries. IFLA strongly supports the work of the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to identify and criticise abuses at the highest level. The naming of Michelle Bachelet to the role of High Commissioner offers hope that the pressure for improvement will grow stronger in years to come.